Things I’m Afraid to Tell You

Why do we read blogs? Information and entertainment, for one but also for many of the same reasons we tend to be baited by sensational news, reality television and celebrity fodder. We seek escapes from our daily lives, no matter how temporary. Blogs offer us a glimpse into the imaginative and seemingly more exciting worlds of others. But these rosy worlds – full of aspirational images, enviable travels and fortunate families – often cloak a far different reality for even the most successful bloggers behind them – crippling insecurity, peculiar habits, unreasonable fears and various other personal details rarely shared with readers.

Last week, motivated by this blogger’s example, three incredibly successful, inspiring women (Ez of Creature Comforts, Nichole of Little Brown Pen and Erin of Design for Mankind) released a call for blogger transparency with the “Things I’m Afraid to Tell You” campaign. The blogging community swells with support and these women hope that the first string of participants will embolden other to jump in. While I share snapshots of my life and even talk about some of the more difficult times, there are so many things I haven’t said. Reading the confessions of some of my favorite bloggers – like Susan and Jenna –…

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