Franco File Friday: Phyllis Flick

One of the biggest differences I’ve noticed between the French and Americans, particularly as I add more to my plate, is that the latter have a tendency to dive into side projects and entrepreneurial ventures while maintaining, sometimes unrelated, day jobs*. Perhaps it’s because, as Americans, we’re conditioned not to settle – we’re taught that we should strive to pursue all ambitions, large or small. Or maybe it’s because we sense the transitory nature of our jobs and want to have something lined up that could become more permanent.  Americans in Paris are no different.  When I learned that Phyllis Flick, outside of her work at the OECD, was also a blogger and contributing editor to the wildly successful collaborative food website Paris By Mouth, I wasn’t very surprised. A fellow former-Philadelphian, Phyllis worked for years in the food and restaurant business making her foray into food writing a rather natural extension of her interests. She documents her latest food finds and even some controversial topics on her long-running blog Paris Notebook and is always a valuable resource for balanced Paris food news. After over 10 years in the capital, I knew she’d have a few helpful things to say here, too. Describe what you love about France in three…

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