Little Pleasures in Paris [#1]: Sunsets

When my enthusiasm for Paris flags, particularly after a downright magical adventure in my homeland, it requires great effort for me to buck the blues. The only sensible thing I can do when this happens is run through a list of all of the little things about Paris that make me happy, the enduring little pleasures that brighten these eternally dismal, un-summerish days.

In an effort to prevent myself from slipping into the familiar abyss of Parisian melancholy, I thought I would turn some of these little joys into a new series: Little Pleasures in Paris. 

Paris sunsets- some of the most magnetic sights I’ve ever seen – seemed fitting for the first edition. The two you see above were photographed within a week of each other, around the same time, after a rainy day, but are strikingly different. These dynamic sunsets are fleeting, however, so I tend to move quickly when I see them loom large over the tin roofs that punctuate the sky.  So desperate am I for these moments that I regularly come close to losing my iPhone (5th floor!) as I eagerly lean out of the window for a snapshot. Oh, the things we do see mother nature perform. 
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