Franco File Friday: Sion Dayson

Of all the expat bloggers I know in the community, Sion Dayson was the first I met long before we entered the virtual world. A mutual friend with whom she worked in New York introduced us and what struck me about her from the start, aside from her full-bodied, vibrant laugh, was her somewhat tumultuous relationship with Paris; something I understood far too well. That’s probably why I immediately liked Sion so much – she didn’t pretend Paris was something it wasn’t. She unabashedly spoke of Paris’s power to isolate us, trample our confidence and even drain creativity, all packaged behind a romanticized veneer of whimsy. 

But once Sion began penning Paris (Im)Perfect, her tune improved. A talented writer, Sion found inspiration in areas of Paris she had previously neglected and redirected her energy to a novel she began writing a few years prior. The city, with its complications and perennial highs and lows, proved to be a most fruitful setting to fuel her imagination. Perhaps even more so than her beloved New York. But that’s part of what makes her impressions of life in France, good and bad, all the more interesting. 

Describe what you love about France in…

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