Pain et Chocolat

One of the audience questions that resonated with me most at Ann Mah and Lisa Pasold’s talk on travel writing at the American Library of Paris last week was one that I’ve often asked myself. As a travel writer, do they struggle with sharing their finds with the world versus keeping some of them secret to retain exclusivity?

When I stumble upon a charming restaurant or café that hasn’t yet been packaged and sold to eager tourists in major publications or websites, a part of me feels as though I shouldn’t tell a soul. That I should keep it to myself and a small group of blog-less friends to prevent the eventuality of it becoming too trendy. Too packed, too been-there-done-that, too predictable.

But then the better half of me, the part that enjoys sharing with you and suggesting places that could mean the difference between a mediocre Paris trip and an exceptional one, trumps all selfishness. Both Ann Mah and Lisa Pasold felt the same – after all, what they really want is for their treasured spot to stay in business so spreading the word is key.

I actually credit my friend Emily for introducing me to Pain et Chocolat, an adorable…

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