Franco File Friday: Lindsey Kent of Pictours Paris

If you had told me in 2009, just as I finished grad school, that I would partner with a friend and launch a small business, I would have laughed incredulously. As you’ve likely gathered, French administration is no easy web to navigate and even less so when it involves starting your own business. The Auto-Entrepreneur regime has eased the attendant costs and stresses but a fearless attitude is still required to dodge the inevitable curveball. Could I have pursued the project mere months after moving to Paris? Pas du tout.

Lindsey Kent saw opportunity and transformation in her transatlantic move. New city, new chapter, new project, she reasoned. And with only a few French classes behind her, she set off to make a longtime passion the focus of her new business. Photographing travelers and locals all over Paris with her year-old business Pictours Paris has allowed her to discover her adopted city and accelerate the process of settling in. Her other secrets to feeling at home? Find out below….

Describe what you love about France in three words? Photo opportunities everywhere. Best and quickest way to get acclimated to life in France? When we arrived in Paris, my husband went to work in a kitchen right away. So…

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