Franco File Friday: Chez Loulou

The South of France isn’t unlike the American South – the pace is slower, the people are friendlier, and the lifestyle is relaxed. I’ve always associated both regions, both in the U.S. and in France, with summer vacation – a place to recharge, soak up rays and catch up on reading before eventually leaving it behind until the following year. But live there full time? Could I do it? Could you?

I know someone who could – who turned a dream into her reality. After throwing myself into Jennifer Greco’s blog Chez Loulou a couple of years ago, which documents life in the Languedoc-Roussillon region of France, I was quickly seduced by the lifestyle she depicted. The calm and quiet, simplicity and cheerfulness. Although I’m not convinced that southern living is for me at this stage, I can’t deny how appealing her life sounds.  So how did this former New Orleans resident end up in a tiny village in the South of France?

She and her American husband moved to France 10 years ago because…. well, they wanted to. Evidently this was before the French government made it next to impossible to move over here without a European spouse, job offer, student…

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