Franco File Friday: Jane from La Cuisine Paris

One of the great things about entrepreneurship is being able to start over – to go from a fixed structure to creating your own rules; taking what you learned and the skills you acquired from a traditional role and applying it to new territory.

For years, Jane Bertch worked with French multinationals as a corporate banker both in the States and London, the latter affording her frequent trips to Paris. As her contract in London was nearing its end and an ever-present pull toward Paris brewing, she began brainstorming ways to make the French capital her permanent home. Armed with the savoire faire, drive, the perfect partner in crime (Olivier, her husband), and a handful of talented chefs, she set out to create La Cuisine Paris. Banker to baker – why open a cooking school? First and foremost, to share good cooking with visitors and locals. She explained, “what could be better than standing around in the kitchen chatting and cooking a meal together? Don’t all good parties end up in the kitchen anyway?”.

She’s got a point. Good thing she followed her instincts because La Cuisine has gone from a somewhat hidden home on the left bank to…

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