Franco File Friday: Kirsten Alana

When I look at my blog over the last year and a half, I’m astounded by how much my photos have evolved and gained importance to what I write. My interest in photography grows daily and with continued practice, I think I’m improving. I have begun to see my surroundings differently, take greater pleasure in observing people (which Winston says is reflected in many of my latest photos) and capture moments I might have otherwise let slip my memory. Because of this, I’ve corresponded with several photographers who call Paris their muse and had the opportunity to meet one of them for a drink on (no surprise here) rue Montorgueil back in March.

It was Andi Perullo of My Beautiful Adventures that told me Kirsten Alana would be in Paris for a couple of weeks and that we had meet. She was absolutely right – within minutes, I felt Kirsten and I were old friends, picking up where life and obligation forced us to leave off. A travel photographer with an unbridled love for Paris, Kirsten spent two weeks wandering aimlessly through the city, engaging with locals and snapping photos for her portfolio and blog. After seeing her work and learning about…

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