Franco File Friday: Adam Roberts of Invisible Paris

I like to think of myself as naturally inquisitive. At social functions, it isn’t unlikely to see me holding forth about a number of topics; posing questions to dig deeper and engage. I look at each individual as a source of a story. A piece of a larger puzzle that will help me make sense of the world. But my interest in unearthing stories generally covers two categories: food and people. I prefer to read tales of untapped neighborhoods, hidden enclaves and fabled streets from others. Enter, Adam Roberts, Englishman and longtime resident in Paris, my go-to guy for underexplored Paris. Adam is dedicated to uncovering the city’s most overlooked corners and has shared his findings with readers on his aptly-named blog Invisible Paris since 2008. The places that attract him are what he considers “ordinary” – the spots on the fringes you aren’t likely to find expatiated upon by guide book writers or major travel sites but are, in fact, just as real and historically symbolic as the attractions so vivid in our minds when we think of Paris. The blog was a natural extension of the exploring and investigating he was already enjoying coupled with his desire to dive into storytelling. Now, he’s…

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