Franco File Friday: Cat Beurnier of Sugar Daze

Before I knew Cat, I knew her cupcakes. And before her cupcakes, I thought the only place to get a taste of American nostalgia was at Berko, a French-owned cupcake bakery that falls short of perfecting our beloved, iced confection. I researched who else was concocting cupcakes in the city and found Sugar Daze (formerly known as Little Miss Cupcake). Slightly smaller than American cupcakes and just the right ratio of cake to icing, Cat’s creations reassured me that not only was it possible to find childhood comforts in Paris but that there were trailblazing American entrepreneurs who weren’t afraid of tackling the labyrinth of French administration. She’s heading into year three of her successful cupcake business, with a newly opened tea salon and cupcake shop in the 9th, and shows no signs of slowing down, even with two young children.

Over the last year and a half, Cat and I have gotten very close. Her support, advice and candidness with me throughout professional and personal fluctations has been invaluable. But she really stepped up to the plate with guidance and moral support throughout the last 9 months as I planned and launched my own online cookie business, Lola’s Cookies, with…

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