Fun Facts About France

I have never and will never claim to be an expert about France or its history. I know slightly more than my French husband but I attribute that to my studies. In High School, I took an advanced placement U.S. History exam and scored very poorly. I fared significantly better with the European History exam which, to me, was the first, unmistakable sign that I was meant to be in Europe.

But as you have noticed from the topics I generally cover, the emphasis is very rarely on the historical implications of buildings, sites, streets and restaurants. I leave that sort of thing to guides like my friend Bryan who offers incredibly informative and entertaining walking tours of Paris.

Still, I’m fascinated by what people know about France because, more often than not, they’re amusing factoids. Until Friday, I’m running a giveaway exclusively on the Lost In Cheeseland Facebook page for a cute tote bag (enter! Makes a great gift!). To enter, participants must simply leave a comment on the giveaway post with their favorite fact about France.

I’ve been thoroughly enjoying the comments thus far and thought I would share:

Cinderella didn’t have glass slippers until Parisian Charles Perrault made his own version…

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