The Granny Syndrome: Putting my Tax Money to Work

“Back aches: methods that work” Le Point magazine, May 27, 2010

One of my best friends has suffered from severe back problems for years. Even when she learned that she had two slipped discs that would require physical therapy and meticulous attention to her movements for the rest of her life, I couldn’t quite empathize with her pain.  Since my teens, I’ve had recurring problems with my neck; muscle spasms that would leave me virtually paralyzed and screaming in pain but with medicine I was back to normal very quickly. Certainly not like the kind of back pain that my friend goes through in waves. That is, until recently. At the end of October I started experiencing piercing lower back pain which I immediately attributed to too much sitting in front of a computer (and perhaps improper posture). What began as something I thought would pass with a day or two of ibuprofen turned into two weeks of hell – a pinched nerve that sent pain through both legs, making sitting, standing, sleeping and being absolutely impossible.  Foolishly, I didn’t go see a doctor to get it sorted out at the beginning and let it calm down and pass on its…

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