Food Porn Vol. IV: Le Temps au Temps

Increasingly, the traditional French brasserie, with their frozen French fries, stale baguette and powdered eggs for omelettes, is disappearing. I have no doubt that this is hard for the older French generations to accept but it is an indication of a growing ethnic and foreign population that provide outside culinary influences and subsequently introduce the younger generations to a whole variety of foods that you’d never find on a standard brasserie menu.

Long gone are the days when France was a gastronomical beacon. Young people are traveling more and more and exposing themselves to new cultures, foods and ways of life. When and if they return to France, the croque monsieur and steak-frites no longer cuts it. The food elite are taking notice. Tokyo was recently crowned the epicenter of fine dining forcing the French to wonder, is the state of French food really that dismal? Yes. It Is. But there’s hope.

Back in November, I mentioned that the 17th’s L’Accolade restored my faith in French food and have since added Pomze to the list for originality and quality. I am happy to add two other restaurants to this list, turning this week into a foody heaven.

First up, LeTemps au Temps on…

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