Franco File Friday: Marie of Food Nouveau

Do you recall the first time you traveled overseas? My journey began in London and continued in Paris where the experience was, as you can imagine, life-changing. With 30+ million foreign tourists a year, Paris remains the ne plus ultra in fantasy travel destinations. But does it hold the same allure for visitors from other French-speaking regions?

For Marie Asselin, graphic designer and author of the food and travel blog Food Nouveau, the French mystique was an ever-present fixture of her childhood growing up in Quebec City. From French books and television programs to frequent visits from French friends who lavished her family with local specialties and gifts, her proximity to the culture naturally informed her ambitions. When she finally took her first trip abroad ten years ago, the connection solidified. Though her blog covers culinary adventures from all over the world, French inspiration is never out of sight.

Describe what you love about France in three words.  History, gourmet shopping, pastries. First thing you do when you return to Paris?  I usually fly to France on red-eye flights, so when I get to Paris, the first thing I do after dropping my bags at my rented apartment is to go out and have a classic…

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