Thai Love

We survived the first year of marriage, a critical period in any relationship because something changes in your brain. Regardless of how long you’ve lived with someone and how well you get along, passing from bf/gf status to married status triggers a series of feelings that resemble panic. In any case, it is said that the first year of marriage is particularly difficult so I’m proud we made it out alive.

To celebrate the year, which has flown by like a stupid French bobo on a moped, we spent the day indulging ourselves. Beginning with a morning in the kitchen, preparing whole wheat pancakes with strawberries and Canadian maple syrup with scrambled eggs, coffee and leftover Peanut Butter Banana Bread (thanks Peanut Butter Boy!) followed by a longggggg period of rest and digestion.

I was then led on a long walk, stopping in shops in the marais, a quick drink on rue des archives just to end up on rue de la verrerie in front of the Thai Home Spa. It was a fabulous surprise, especially since I had been looking into spas/massage treatments recently. The deco immediately transported us elsewhere… sometimes just being in an inner-city-environment that pulls you out of…

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