10 Pieces of Advice That I Should Have Given myself in My Twenties (Guest Post!)

This week’s guest post comes from a good friend of mine from Philadelphia who asked to remain anonymous. Let’s call her… Bailey Quinn. Bailey is a successful entrepreneur, gorgeous mother of 2, and one of the wisest women I know. Since we often have chats where I lay out all the drama I’m going through in my life and she calms my nerves with unparalleled grace and wit by calling it at she sees it. The curse of the twenties! That being said, she wanted to share some of her wisdom with us with “10 pieces of advice she should have given herself in her twenties”. I’m sure we can all identify with at least a few.

1. Don’t date Aaron – There is always that guy or girl that just doesn’t seem right. You know immediately that it will eventually end on a bad note, but you go with it anyway. The suspicions arise out of many chance encounters or behavior witnessed over a variable period of time. It may be the fact that he is thirty and still enjoys cartoons in the mornings or that he seems suspiciously chummy with a few select male friends. My advice to you…

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