Franco File Friday: Une Petite Pause

I haven’t missed a Franco File Friday since I launched the series back in March and I was hoping that I could keep it going at that rate through the end of the year. But health comes first.

Instead of preparing today’s feature, I’ll be resting (immobile) my back after a minor intervention. I anticipate frequent naps, discomfort, reading, discomfort, watching movies, discomfort, and having friends visit me in my old lady state. And discomfort.

While it’s not an ideal way to spend a long holiday weekend, I guess I should be grateful that I’m in France for health-related issues where my expenses will be almost entirely reimbursed within a couple of weeks.

I should also thank Mr. C without whom I wouldn’t be able to do much of anything for myself during this period of forced-bed rest. He might use the word servant. I prefer to think of it as fulfilling his marital duties. Either way, I appreciate the help!

So I leave you with this time-lapse video that I thought was awesome  – San Francisco to Paris in 2 minutes. The creator took a photo from within the airplane every two miles between take-off and landing to produce this video. I’ll be back on schedule next week but in the meantime, enjoy!

{If reading from your email, click over to the blog to watch the video!}