Franco File Friday: Photographer Sophia Pagan

Restless New Yorkers. The speed and cutthroat culture in New York grows tiresome for many and to Europe they flock. Photographer Sophia Pagan was unfulfilled by her job in magazine publishing in NYC and bought a one-way ticket to Paris during her lunch break to pursue new creative projects. Two years later and without regret, she roams the streets of Paris with her camera and captures the slowed-down side of urban living.

Now through November 10th, two years worth of Sophia’s photography will be displayed in Montmartre for her first independent exposition. With “Silent City”, Sophia hoped to break free from the rush of city life and discover silence through images taken out of time. So how does Paris influence her work?

Describe what you love about France in three words. 
The artist spirit.

What inspires you the most about Paris as a backdrop for your work? 
The surprises. Nothing is just what it seems in Paris. When I create my photographs, I try to capture the real Paris not just the widely romanticized version of the city, what I call “Parisian Paris”.

Part of Paris that sparks creativity the most? 
That is so hard to say because what I love most about Paris is getting lost in her streets and discovering new places. However, if I must choose, I would say Montmartre. I’ve met many wonderful artists in that area and I find the artist community very supportive, which is rare.

Favorite museums or galleries in France? 
I visit La Maison Européene de la Photographie and the Jeu de Paume quite often and I always leave feeling refreshed and inspired.

Most frustrating or amusing interaction with the French? 
I’m one of those rare expats that loves everything about the French! I’m originally from NYC and I just understand the Parisian mentality and temperament – I think it’s very similar to the New Yorkers are. One thing I find amusing is the “coucou” they use to get people’s attention…it always makes me smile!


I attended the launch of “Silent City” and fell in love with many of her prints (which are also for sale). If you happen to be in Paris or plan to come between now and early November, I highly encourage you to stop in to see her work – you’ll leave as I did, with fresh Paris eyes and a desire to hold onto these fleeting but powerful moments in the urban landscape.

Be sure to follow Sophia and her ongoing projects on her Facebook page!
“Silent City” 
Bel’ Air – Café Bar
6 rue Germain Pilon
Métro: Pigalle 

**The next private viewing of her work at Bel’Air will be October 27th, 7:30pm!