“How (NOT) to Become Parisian”: Giveaway Results!

Over the last week, I have thoroughly enjoyed reading all of your comments in participation for this giveaway! Before I announce the winners I want to thank you for participating! I was astounded to see how many of you were interested in the concept of the book. For those who are just stopping by or did not enter the giveaway, participants were asked to leave a comment with a question about Parisians they were dying to have answered (to peruse the comments section of the giveaway, head HERE)! Alas, this competition was not to be judged based on the originality of the question asked but I thought I’d share with you some of my favorites anyhow. 
First up, the questions from our 3 winners! 
All very good questions, I say. So Susanne, Anne and Paris Blues, I’ll be contacting you by email for your mailing addresses! 
Some of my other favorites: 
“Do Parisians really consider that the rest of France does not exist (apart from Deauville, that is!)? ” – Caroline does touch on this a bit in the book – Parisians are simply not satisfied by anything outside of their beloved city, therefore it’s not even worth talking about for them. Although, those little weekends to Normandy or Brittany are acceptable. Biarritz too. Remains a mystery! 
 “Why won’t they cross the street to go to a better bakery?” – tradition, my friend. And fear of change. Though I don’t think this is true for everyone! 
“What would it take for Parisians to fall in love with Paris?” – great question! Likely a trendy new concept store. 
“How hot does it actually have to be to leave the scarf at home?” – I laughed at this immediately! Well into the 70’s I think, though I’ve seen people wrapped up when it’s pushing 80°F!
I was told the only real Parisians take the bus, is this true?” – Yes and no. It’s a certain TYPE of Parisian that refuses to go underground and insists on taking the bus everywhere. I will say, traveling overground does have its advantages, but I wouldn’t say it’s inherently Parisian to do so more than taking the metro! 
If you weren’t among the 3 winners, don’t fret! My fellow blogger Shannon will soon be offering up the book on her blog so keep checking her site for an additional giveaway!   
Thanks for playing!