Stop Pushing Me! Letting Go Through Yoga

Up until a year ago, I was reluctant to try yoga in any serious way as a means to reach a state of zen, a place where I could use my body to achieve not only greater flexibility but a greater appreciation for the interconnectedness of mind, body and spirit. There are two major reasons for such hesitation:

1) I’m a chronic fidgeter. The idea of remaining still and holding positions while concentrating on breathing seemed inconceivable. Multi-tasking usually comes easily to me but I thought that the combination of physical and mental concentration would be too challenging.

2) I’m an overthinker. When I’m told to relax and just let my mind settle, I do the opposite. Without much control, my thoughts flow in and out a mile a minute, thus making everything mentioned in reason #1 quite difficult.

That being said, serenity through yoga seemed like a lofty undertaking.

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